Visual methodologies, particularly the use of photography, have played an integral role throughout the research project. An extensive database of over 1300 photos taken in Athens since 2013 can be found on Flickr. The majority of them are taken in central Athenian neighborhoods such as Exarcheia, Metaxourgeio, Kerameikos, and Psirri.

This heatmap traces my movements through the city of Athens during my original research visits to Athens in 2013.
The photographs have been published in several contexts—book covers of edited volumes, photo essays, graffiti magazines, political journals, and photo books, among others—since 2013.

Two edited volumes, published in 2017 and 2016, that feature photos of mine on their covers (as well as chapters inside).
Apart from publishing photographs and visual essays, I have also been experimenting with the form of the video essay as a means of knowledge production, animating my visual archive into more dynamic sequential configurations. The following piece, produced in 2016 for an exhibition on the theme “Art, Expression, and Democracy” held at the University of Sheffield, chronicles some of the most important themes that can be found on the walls of the city.
Another video essay, produced in 2017 for the online platform examines the symbolic references to antiquity that recur on the walls of Athens and interrogates their potential as a critical commentary on the politics of crisis and crypto-colonialism.
This video recoding shows me give a brief overview of the research for a Science Slam held in Potsdam in February 2014. Unfortunately, the clip is only available in German, but you can find a transcript here.