In the summer of 2015, I arrived in Athens one day prior to the announcement of the “Bailout Referendum” and left three days before its execution. During the week I spent in Athens I was able to witness some of the immediate reactions uttered in the streets of the city via graffiti slogans, posters, stencils and murals – almost exclusively in favor of the Oxi vote.
Here are some of the expressions that I documented.

These graffitied Oxis appeared at the Doukissis Plakentias metro station on the very night of the announcement of the Referendum.

Two artworks by graphic designer N_Grams show a now iconic European Union flag with a single red star and the word nein written in the center. One of them can be found in the central neighborhood pf Psirri…

…the other one is in Kallithea, just outside the Athens School of Fine Arts.

Many slogans appeared in the center of the city in the context of the first Oxi rally on Syntagma Square. This one reads: Always No and Antifa

A graffiti slogan associated with the leftist party Antarsia on the building of the National Academy reads “A proud no to EU-IMF”
All photos by Julia Tulke. More impressions from my latest visit to Athens can be found here.