Since the inauguration of Donald Trump as 45th president of the United States of America one year ago, his enactment of a hyperconservative domestic agenda, his ineptitude in matters of foreign policy, and a slew of disconcerting statements made to the public have initiated a broad political mobilization. Articulations of dissent have mostly assumed the form of mass demonstrations and performative street protest, but there have also been several creative responses. Unsurprisingly, street art and graffiti taking a stance against the Trump presidency has proliferated in cities around the world. An ongoing archive of anti-Trump graffiti and street art can be found here. This post compiles some of the artworks I documented myself in the past year, in New York City, London, Berlin and other cities.
Many interventions appear at a small scale and anonymously, taking the form of impromptu inscriptions and handmade stickers.
Several artworks have offered feminist responses to the open misogyny that has been allowed to flourish under the Trump administration.
Others have commented on the blatant racism enacted by Trump and his allies.
A number of pieces visualize the very absurdity that has driven the Trump campaign and presidency, for instance by playfully appropriating the infamous “Make America Great Again” slogan.
Others just resort to outright mockery.
But not all artworks rely on reproducing the image or rhetoric of 45 to give visual form to their criticism. Instead many have emphasized the values of community and solidarity as a repository of resistance and social change.

America is Black, Native, wears a Hijab, a Spanish speaking tongue, Migrant, a Woman…and it’s not going anywhere | Oklahoma City 2016 | Artist: Tatyana Fazlalizadeh | Photo via
In solidarity with those taking to the streets today!